Notes on ‘Biography of an Artist’

This is not a typical use of a blog: a blog is, to state the well-known, usually utilized as a forum for opinions and expressions by various people about specific or general topics. This is not my intention here. I am in fact utilizing a very nice tool provided by any number of contributors in the arena of open source internet tools (WordPress developers) to write a novel.

So, being that the blog form provides the most recent entry by the author first, if you are a new visitor here, I would recommend starting with the most dated entry. Which is why I’ve numbered each blog entry. But that is not necessary. You are free, of course, to begin where ever you like. I do not think that this will lessen the experience–that is, unless you find the thing tedious or outside of your interest(s). I say this, knowing quite well that I am referencing a very famous novel by Joyce (‘Finnegans Wake’)–but also recall a novel called ‘Hopscotch’ by the magical realist author Julio Cortazar.

Lastly, I want to comment on the title, which is ‘Biography of an Artist.’ I chose the title intentionally, but the events described therein are events drawn from my own life. In a way, I am fictionalizing the account but trying to relate them as accurately and as faithfully as possible. However, the work as it exists, should in no way be construed as an autobiography. I would have titled it thus, should that be the case. And, while I may be presenting a very pretentious contradiction, I encourage readers to read the passages as a work of fiction.